Customer case
Sharing knowledge and doing business with Archie
Helping starting entrepreneurs get started, advising companies with their questions about business and personnel, and stimulating business-to-business. This is what Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis is working on, a partnership between the business community, education, interest groups and the municipality of Zoetermeer. "Without Archie, we would not be able to help entrepreneurs nearly as efficiently," says policy officer for Economic Affairs Harold Beffers.
The benefits of working with Archie
Better internal cooperation
More relevant emailings
Stronger relationships with organizations
About Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis of the municipality of Zoetermeer
Terzake The Business House is a collaboration of the organized business community, education, interest groups and the municipality. Ter Zake is the meeting place for entrepreneurs, municipal professionals and education and stimulates cooperation for a better economic climate. This is done through free mediation of motivated personnel, good account management Economic Affairs and a program for starting entrepreneurs and small business (, among other things.
1000+ FTE
Company size
Relationship management, email marketing, events & insights
Use cases
Archie CRM
Meeting, sharing knowledge and doing business
Meeting, sharing knowledge and doing business are the pillars of Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis. Beffers and his fellow entrepreneurial coach Irma de Graaff are responsible for encouraging small-scale entrepreneurship through a program of (personal) advice, workshops, events and training.
"Our work is all about networking, building relationships, collaborating. You simply can't do that without a good CRM system."
Irma de Graaff, entrepreneurial coach
He was the pioneer in the 1990s to replace the computerized card database at Economic Affairs of the Municipality of Zoetermeer with Archie CRM. This functioned to great satisfaction for many years. In 2015, Archie was invited to bid with other parties for a municipality-wide CRM system.
"I was not surprised that Archie came out as the winner. This software has a good price/quality ratio. The biggest plus is that it is very flexible: you can, without customization, still configure the package completely to your own needs. In addition to a desktop version, Archie also offers a web version that well supports the municipality's current vision of location-independent working. The flexibility Archie offers is unique."
Economic Affairs Policy Officer Harold Beffers
Appearing as one organization
He is pleased that the package has been made available citywide. "There are several departments that our relations can have contact with. In Archie we can record questions and/or appointments, follow up and retrieve them. In contact with an entrepreneur, this is very pleasant and it saves both of us time. We can present ourselves as one organization this way."
The account managers of team Economy and the entrepreneur coach of Ter Zake Het Ondernemershuis use Archie intensively. "We record all the contacts we have with entrepreneurs in it," says De Graaff. "Periodically the system is updated with data from the Chamber of Commerce, so that the business database is up to date. The link with Company.Info and Spotler's e-mail marketing package further contribute to the fact that we know our contacts well and can provide tailor-made services. In cooperation with external organizations we organize information evenings for start-ups, workshops, knowledge sessions and events for entrepreneurs. We also facilitate a number of entrepreneurial networks in Ter Zake. All these contacts we can support with Archie."
"Archie helps us increase our efficiency."
Before making the move to Zoetermeer on January 1 of this year, De Graaff also worked with CRM software at her previous employer. "That was a less accessible system, you had to click more often to get to the information you were looking for. Archie is very user-friendly and shows a lot of information on one screen. Harold and I decide for ourselves how we record things in Archie, because the CRM software has to support us in our work. Colleagues with access to Archie can also always access the information about our relationships."
Users within the community deploy Archie in the way that best supports them. "With us it's about bringing people and opportunities together. From workshops with interesting entrepreneurial topics to questions about staffing. Then we can switch quickly and exchange the necessary data with people from the WerkgeversServicepunt Zuid-Holland Centraal and the UWV, which are also housed in Ter Zake," says De Graaff.
"Without Archie, I simply cannot do my job."
Links to Outlook and email marketing package
In addition to integration with Outlook, Archie has links with Company.Info and Spotler, the e-mail marketing package for Ter Zake's digital newsletters. The newsletter is well received, De Graaff knows: "We get few unsubscribes. That means our communication is relevant and of added value to our target groups. We're not selling anything either, because our workshops and events are free to visitors."
With Archie, the Municipality has also made huge efficiency gains. "We started working with Archie to increase our efficiency," Beffers explains. De Graaff thinks they are succeeding well in that regard. "I can do almost everything from Archie: send and save e-mails, keep my calendar and keep track of my 'to-do list.' Without Archie, I simply cannot do my job."
The Leisure, Urban Development and Registry departments have also now joined the Archie environment of Economic Affairs.
Just take a seat behind the wheel!
Are you curious to see what Archie looks like when it's set up for your business? Do you want to know what is unique about the most user-friendly CRM for the municipality? Then sign up for a 10-minute demo.