Customer case

Habeco increases sales efficiency with attention monitor

Am I visiting the right customers? Am I not spending too much time on customers who are not profitable? These are questions the field sales staff at paint wholesaler Habeco can find the answers to at the push of a button. Because they use the Attention Monitor in Archie CRM.

The benefits of working with Archie

Monitoring effectiveness of sales efforts

Understanding revenue share by customer

Mapping customers and prospects

About Habeco

Habeco is the largest non-branded paint wholesaler in the Eastern Netherlands. Its target group consists of professional painters and interior and kitchen builders. Besides supplying them with paint and related products, Habeco also allows painting companies to have their materials inspected and repaired by Habeco.



48 FTE

Company size



Relationship management, analytics, sales, and attention monitor

Use cases

Archie CRM


Knowing who is not a customer with you

Edward Nijhuis is managing director of the 48-employee, 13-branch company. He introduced Archie when he came to work there 15 years ago. "Back then, Habeco was not using CRM. Therefore, I couldn't properly estimate how big our company's market share was. Of course, we knew who our customers were, but we didn't know which companies we were missing. Implementing Archie was therefore one of the first improvements I made."

Habeco uses the link with We can load the data of all professional processors of paint products in our working area into the Archie CRM database, complete with the available Chamber of Commerce data. This allows Habeco to calculate exactly how big the market share is in the various regions and know which companies are interesting to target. Habeco also uses to check new customers on their creditworthiness. "We always check the annual accounts. ZZP-ers do not have to publish their annual report, but we always check how long they have been active and whether they may have gone bankrupt in the past."

Monitoring effectiveness of sales efforts

One of the most frequently used tools is the Attention Monitor. Nijhuis: "With this you automatically keep track of how much energy you put into a customer in relation to turnover. This indicator doesn't say everything, because if you sell a paint pump, for example, you might visit the customer three times in the following weeks, especially if they still have questions. And of course it also happens that you put a lot of energy into bringing in a new customer, but the success does not materialize. We therefore do not use it as a KPI, but the Attention Monitor does give a good indication of how the field service can improve its own effectiveness."

Using the Attention Monitor does require everyone to have the discipline to continuously update Archie. Nijhuis: "I see it as my job to coach employees in this. I regularly analyze how well our sales force keeps Archie up to date and talk to them if there is room for improvement. Not to punish them, but to show them: if you enrich this and this information, then you can also make these and these selections and analyses."

"People are like computers: if you don't give them information, nothing will happen."

Edward Nijhuis, director of paint wholesaler Habeco

Everyone can see everything

Habeco has set up Archie CRM so that everyone can see everything. The same applies to the ERP system. Nijhuis: "My contention is: people are like computers: if you don't give them information, nothing happens. We are an incredibly transparent company. New employees sometimes have to get used to this, but it leads to a lot of commitment. This does require a corporate culture where people help each other. Where you don't punish someone if they perform less, but ask: what is going on? Can we get the finger behind it?"

Nijhuis can recommend Archie CRM to any company. "It is flexible software. You can set it up to suit your own business operations and everything is logically structured. The most important thing: Archie rewards you for the efforts you make yourself to keep the data up-to-date. The more information you put in it, the more you enjoy it yourself."

Just take a seat behind the wheel!

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